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Onboarding SensorsLink

The oboarding appp guides you through the process of the setup using simple language and a friendly graphic language. It is built as a separate tool from the core Smart Citizen Webpage in order it can be customized for each deployment.

Onboarding app

Visit the onboarding app at

Step by step

  1. Welcome page

  2. Select all the parts you received to ensure you are not missing any part

  3. Turn on your Kit

  4. Close the cover of your device

  5. Choose the Wi-Fi network you want to connect to

  6. You will reiceive a message when the Kit it is connected

  7. Add a name to your sensor

  8. Select the location for your sensor

  9. Add your email to register the Kit under your name

  10. Add a user name for people to see you on the platform

  11. Add a password to protect your account

  12. You are done!

  13. Visit the Kit on the platform. Wait one minute till it publishes data

  14. Look at the data!